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Stoner's Play Games for Get high Stoner games


It's basically holding your breath until the
bong/blunt/bowl/joint/etc comes back to you. It gets
you really high, really fast...

California Elevator-

 This is particularly for a bong. First,
crouch down and start to hit the bong. As you hit it, suck
harder and slowly stand up and then right as you pull out
the male piece, stand all the way up really quick. The head
rush and the smoke all at once is intense...

California High

This is weird, and I've only done it once.
You need 2 people for this one. Do the same first step to the
California Elevator, crouch down. Start breathing heavily until
you get a little light headed. Take a big hit from whatever
you're smoking out of, hold your breath, and stand up really fast.
This is when the second person comes in. They have to sort of
choke you until you pass out. The smoke gets trapped in your
lungs when you're passed out. It's kinda sketchy, that's why
I've only done it once...


 take a bowl or an ashtray, and stick tissue paper onto it,
make sure the paper is evenly spread...take a very small,
light coin and place it smack in the center of the tissue...
then, blaze up a joint, take a drag...using the joint, burn a
hole in the tissue. only when ur hole stops burning, exhale,
and pass it on. the game goes on wit every1 making holes
until the coin is dangling on tiny, very thin strings...
whoever drops it in the end loses! this game is real good
and gets u very stoned cos u keep the smoke in for longer,
and plus it makes u think when ur least capable of it!....

Chicago or that’s

 what we call it what you need to
do is you get three two four peopl with you who have all
payed up , you get a nice blunt rolled and you got to
where ever your smoking. you then all stand in a circul.
one person hits the blunt first then has to pass the blunt
to teh person on the left . after you take a hit you gata
hold your breath/hit untill the blunt makes its way back
to you. who ever cant do it is out but they dont have to

go out cause this game really f's you up....

Get High Stoner's Thanks.

I appreciated your willingness to meet with the Standards Committee. Your ideas and suggestions contributed immensely to the discussion. I am encouraged by the decisions we made and anticipate the results will please the board. It is good to have you as part of the team. I am confident that good things will come from our joint efforts.

Your visit was a compliment to everyone in our office. I wish we would have had more time to talk, but perhaps that will happen another day. Thanks for your kindness and generosity.

We will keep you posted on our progress and hope you can visit us again soon. 

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