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How to Grow Weed Plant in Simple Steps , Growing your own cannabis, Grow Marijuana

Growing your own cannabis and being self-sufficient is possible. You will no longer be dependent on others when you feel like smoking a joint, you can control the quality of the cannabis and you'll also have a new and fun hobby. Do you want to grow your own cannabis but you’re not sure how? You've come to the right place! On this page, I will tell you everything you need to know about growing your own cannabis as clearly as possible. Should you still have some doubts after having read this, you can still find lots of information on the other pages of this website.

information about growing hemp

It is important to start by gaining some quite theoretical knowledge. You can do this by reading books and magazines about cannabis. Watching video clips about cannabis has also helped me greatly. You will learn a lot from them and discover new things. Should you still have questions after having read books and magazines and watched videos, you can share them with other growers on forums. On the many cannabis forums on the Internet, you'll find growers of various levels who are prepared to share their experience with you and answer your questions. My experience is that in most cases you a get quick response on your questions. There are of course many different ways to gather information. It's up to you to take your pick. After this you will know everything about cannabis, growing cannabis, and the various strains, but you'll probably see that in practice not everything goes as you would have expected. Keep in mind that learning takes some time and that you have to start somewhere.
Growing cannabis indoors or outdoors?

Before you buy equipment and seeds and start growing, you have to decide whether you will grow cannabis indoors or outdoors. I would like to advise beginning growers to first try to grow a plant outside. This way you can find out if it works and you won't have to buy all kinds of expensive equipment.

    Meet in High Tip:  If you decide to grow outdoors for the first time, try to do so with an auto flowering plant. This can hardly go wrong.

The next step is buying grow equipment. What do you need for growing cannabis?

You can opt for growing your plants in the open ground. Your plants will be able to grow a lot taller, but you will be dependent on good weather conditions. Cannabis plants only start flowering in late summer and if the weather is rainy and cold your crop will fail. Plants in pots stay smaller, but you are able to control the growing conditions. You can, for instance, put them in the shade or inside. It's a trade-off you have to make for yourself. If you want to grow your plant in a pot, you will have to buy a suitable pot. Pots are available in various sizes. The size you need depends on the size you wish your plant to reach and the available space.

You also need soil to put in the pots. The choice is abundant. You can opt for the cheap bags of soil you can find in the garden centers. It's possible to grow your plant in this, but beginners might experience problems with it. These types of soil do not contain enough nutrients for cannabis plants, are not light enough and dry and harden very easily.

Good air permeable soil is important for the development of the roots of your cannabis plant and will allow your plant to become stronger and healthier. You can add perlite (tiny white stones) to the soil to make it lighter, but why make things more complicated? I prefer to buy soil in a specialized grow shop and these can be found all over the world. There you can buy good soil specifically intended for growing cannabis. These high-quality mixtures are light, generally thanks to the addition of perlite, and contain enough of the required nutrients. Admittedly, it's a bit more expensive. But you have to be prepared to pay more for quality. The biggest advantage of good soil is that your plants need minimal extra care.

Good soil is very important for your plant, so if you want to save money, do so on anything but the soil. If your budget really does not allow you to buy good soil, then the next best option is cutting soil. This is a more expensive type of soil mixture of better quality. In any case, don't use compost intended for flowers, because that kind of soil is usually too acidic for cannabis plants.

When you have filled your pots with soil, you need seeds of course. I've already preselected the best seeds which you can get here. They boast a 95% germination rate, 100% genetics guarantee and are feminized for 95%. The only thing you still have to do is decide which strain you want to grow. The choice is virtually unlimited and every strain has its own qualities. It's almost impossible to make a wrong choice. It all depends on what you're looking for.

There are two main strains of cannabis plants: Indica and Sativa. Indicas stay relatively small, have strong, thick stems and wide leaves and have a short flowering period. Sativas on the other hand grows very tall. The often rapid growth leads to smaller leaves. Next to these main strains there are many hybrid strains/crosses. These mainly consist of a bigger part of Indica with a tiny bit of Sativa or the other way round. You can also choose auto-flowering seeds, which make it very easy for you to grow a plant. Everyone has their own opinion about which strain is the best, but it's all about your personal preference. Whichever choice you make, it's always a good choice.
Meet in High Tip:  If you are a beginning grower, I would advise you to start with an Indica. Sativas can be unpredictable and grow very big. Indicas can cope better with stress, which gives you less stress as well.

In general, good soil contains enough nutrients for the whole growth. It is, however, advisable to provide our plant with extra nutrients in the last weeks. My personal preference is liquid nutrition because the plant can easily absorb it. If you grow indoors you only need flowering nutrition. Even the cheapest soils contain enough nutrients for the whole growth phase. You can buy various sorts of plant nutrition, but all are based on a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Nitrogen and potassium stimulate growth and during the flowering phase, it's best to use a mixture of phosphorus and potassium. Good flowering nutrition contains especially phosphorus and potassium and only a small amount of nitrogen. 

Meetinhigh Tip: Of course there is also regular plant nutrition but my advice is to use special cannabis nutrition. It contains the right ingredients for a cannabis plant.

Just like any other plant, cannabis needs light to be able to grow. If you want to grow cannabis indoors, you will, therefore, have to purchase a lamp. The length of the night is very important for cannabis plants so always use a timer switch to ensure a regular cycle. You can choose lamps of various wattages for growing cannabis - 400 watt, 600 watts, and 1000 watt. The more light, the better the yield will be. Ideal for indoor growing are high-pressure sodium (vapour) lamps. I replace my lamps every year for an optimal light intensity.

The next thing you need is an extraction system with an activated carbon filter. Cannabis plants need carbon dioxide (CO2) to grow. They get this CO2 from the air. If you fail to provide the growing area with fresh air, the plants will use up all CO2 in the air. Growth will slow down and the plants will become less healthy. An extraction system sucks the CO2-depleted air outside, which automatically brings CO2-rich air inside. The system also removes the typical odors that are released during the flowering phase. A carbon filter is a large tube filled with carbon. The carbon absorbs the chemicals responsible for the odors and neutralizes them. Just like the lamps, I replace my carbon filter every year.

To ensure that the fresh air supplied by the extraction system is evenly distributed in your growing area, you also need one (one more) fan(s) for good air circulation. By constantly circulating the air, the fan ensures an even distribution of temperature, humidity, and C02.

Get started!

You have gathered all technical information about growing cannabis plants and you have acquired all the necessary equipment. Now you can get started by first getting the seeds. Read more on our other pages, where it is explained how you can build a growing area,how to germinate the seeds, how to harvest and much more. I wish you the best of luck! I am confident that you will do fantastically.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the methods of growing the cannabis seeds.I had a wonderful time reading your post. Keep it up.

    The latest cannabis seeds


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