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Top Stoner Games for U

Pass A Joint

 Pass around a J and see who can hold a hit the
Longest and the person who has the longest hold
For the size hit, they took gets to hit it twice on the next rotation

See instead of belonging punished like w/ drinking you get
Rewarded by getting to smoke more......

Bong Pong:

You first need a minimum of 6 bongs,
Preferably 12, (but hay i know some of us don't have
12 bongs lieing around) you need to have bongs with
An open top. Then you divide into teams of 2 - 4, then
Each team packs their bongs, when you get a pong ball
In the bong, your team gets to smoke that bong (unlike
Beer pong where when you get the ball in the cup the
Opposite team has to drink the beer). Play can not
Resume until your team has finished smoking all the
Weed packed in the bong. Then continue playing
When a team has smoked all the bongs on the
Other side, both teams finish the leftover bongs
Together.  (That way no one loses)...


You need an as load of drugs then you write down a bunch
Of really incredibly stupid dares and put them in a hat.
You and another person challenge each other to take
Different combos of said drugs or alcohols or do the dare.
if you do the dare it has the person who said the right
Combo takes the drugs if not you take the drugs.

Mushrooms, JD, a bong, X, and anything else you want
Are the only game pieces.....

The Rizla Game.

Take a bucket, large bowl or a cup or mug.
Stick together enough papers to cover the top.
Stick the papers over the top of the cup, making a paper
Lid, so that it is tight. Put a coin in the center and you're ready to play.
Roll a few spiffs ready. Each person, in turn, takes a toke
Of the joint and then makes a hole in the papers, the can't
Blow out the smoke till they have made their hole.

The loser is the person holding the joint when the penny
Drops. If the hole they make sideburns, or isn’t a perfect
Whole, they have to make another. If they drop a hot rock, it's two more.

When the penny drops they've got 3 attempts to put it back.
We usually decide on a forfeit before hand, usually 'the three
Ingredients' which is any three ingredients not including water
That the loser has to drink.

The thinner the paper the less it burns. Dun no why this is
but thin papers give a good long game...


Little anecdote. Me and my buddies bought a 5 foot acrylic
Water bong for $45. we got a hookah bowl for it that can pack
a clean eighth into it. Hook a vacuum too the top spark the
bowl with a cigar torch and take the vacuum off just before
the smoke reaches the top, then one of us would take over,
and rip it without letting the crab go until the bowl was about
Kicked. We got that bitch at least as yellow as post it notes.
that a kill hit my friend. Clear that sucker and You’ll die.

Anyway I’ve gotten really yellow smoke from a 1-gallon bong,
And yellow smoke from 5-gallon bong (couldn’t clear that it
One rip) and those are the games I like to play.
that game where u hold ur hit in until it comes back around
to you, there’s  a million different names for it, is stupid. just
play the "school bus game" he he

keep it green, make it yellow.....

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